1.2 Different Forms of Media Arts

Different Forms of Media Art

 Media Arts is a way of expressing your artistic spirit through digital media and technology and the world simply could not leave that in only one simple category. In the world today, there are many types of Media Arts and ways to express them. Expressing Art can mean a lot of things for different kinds of people. People nowadays have thought of art, not only through paints but also through media, papers, canvases, etc. In this post, we will be going over some of the most commonly known forms of Media Arts and how they changed the perspective of the general idea. 


You would immediately identify this form of Media Arts as it is one of the most known and popular forms that have been used for over 2 Centuries. This spectacular device was invented in the 
In the 1880s but its oculus was invented and kept on being updated since the 1500s, the first Pinhole Camera and the Camera Obscura invented by Abu Ali Al Hassan Ibn Al Haytham and is called the father of Optics. They didn't capture images but they would need light to enter and strike the reflected surface to project an image. From this simple mechanic, people took the display and soon made it to be programmed to display the image on paper and they called it a Photograph. The first one was taken in 1826 by the French scientist, Joseph Nicephore. From this success, there were lots of Obscura experiments and photography had developed quickly. That soon came to the Daguerrotype, which is one step closer to modern-day film. This soon developed to easier methods of cameras and that now has projected images with light. To express this sort of art form isn't the hardest. All you need is a camera, now connected to our phones, and an image to display. This can be anything and anyone. People also suggest using different types of lenses to have the ability to zoom in closer. With the technology today, we can edit and add some elements and features to our pictures using Photoshops. Some famous ones are Adobe Photoshop and Picsart. 

Web Design

Web design is the design of websites that are displayed on the internet, in simple terms, the display and how websites are made, like the layout of this blog's home page. This term was first used in the 1990s when the first Web Browser was made in 1990. People developed how information in a Website was displayed and made it a more delightful look. People now make websites using code and/or websites that help in making them. Web Design isn't just displaying information, but making the background stand out too. It doesn't matter how you put it, because imagination is the limit. 

Computer Generated Art

This form is a way of expressing art using the computer you are currently using. It's not like Web Design but making portraits and pictures and editing them. People have found a way to convert the drawings you would sketch on paper to be able to draw computers. People developed pens categorized for iPads and other devices. Usually, for computers, there's a type of mouse pad where u draw with the pen, called a drawing tablet. This can also be called Digital Art and this is the more used term. People make both 2D and 3D Art and make spectacular accomplishments. Some softwares commonly used are Corel Painter 2022 and Adobe Suite. 

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is also part of computer-generated art but instead of making the whole scene, they only edit one specific part of the image. This tactic is usually used in movies and T.V to help make the scene possible when adding non-realistic characters or features. 

Film and Animation

Film and Animation is the type of Media Arts that changed our perspective on watching T.V. It's either live-action or animated which is our typical option with T.V. Film is basically a story or event which happened or captured on a camera. This is usually most specifically preferred to the movies you would watch on the T.V or in a cinema. People use cameras, tripods, microphones, etc. to lead and supply to eventually make the movie complete. There are lots of different roles for several people to fill out, such as an actor, producer, director, and lots more. Animation is another thing. Imagine one stimulated drawn picture and it's moving, that's animation. It can be either 2D or 3D. People have evolved and developed techniques to make the movements flow. When animation was in its early ages, people would draw each step using paper, but now is drawn digitally with the same tools used for digital art but sometimes, usually for cartoons, people don't need to draw every single move. Sometimes they could move the parts from its already drawn figure or it can be even manually animated, computer animating itself. 

Mixed Media and Painting

Mixed Media and painting are what the title says. It's combining all types of art into one portrait. It is done on a canvas or some physical equipment in which lots of forms are combined to complete one painting. Mixed Media is the skill of being creative and combining all your knowledge of art into one. Like the picture you can see below, it's a drawing of some fruit but with different kinds of ways to draw them. They showed classically drawn ones, black and white, black and white drawn on a newspaper, and all together they make this fantastic drawing. This is a form of modern art and is usually a type of art that is fascinated and made today. 

Commercial Art

Commercial Art is seen everywhere. It's simply the logos of anything really. The logo on the yellow 'Caution' sign, is the logo that's even on road signs are considered commercial art. The logos on products, like the 'Coco Cola' sign written in cursive and the bitten-white apple on the Apple products are considered commercial art. 

Contemporary Art

Contemporary Art is the "Art of Today." It's the type of art that is most commonly used today and the most used form of Media Arts. Contemporary art is usually about the idea or concern and the meaning rather than how pleasant the painting looks. The sketches you make in your notebook, the painting you have done, the portraits in your sketchbook, are all considered the Art of Today. They all seem to connect to the type of drawings people make in this decade. Inspired by the art periods of the past, we continue to make genres of the types of art such as illusions, manga, etc. This decade really is as modern as it can get...

My Experience - 
Some of the types of arts I tried were Photography and Web Design but I aim to try more in the future. I'm specifically aiming for Mixed Media Art as I admire how all the different types of arts into one portrait. I like experiencing the types of Media Arts as it all is really fascinating just from the advancement of technology. 

I hope you learned some of the most commonly used forms of Media Art and stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


“History of Camera | Evolution of Camera | World's First Camera Obscura.” YouTube, 20 February 2021, https://youtu.be/cvy7Qlp4A2k. Accessed 20 February 2022.

“List of art media.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_media. Accessed 20 February 2022.

Pacana, Tyler, and Yotam Perel. “How Does Animation Work?” YouTube, 12 April 2020, https://youtu.be/dGGU4rAkShE. Accessed 20 February 2022.


  1. I really liked how you organized your blog. It is also very informative and talks in full detail. I really liked the photography and film. Nice work! :>


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