1.5 Comicbook Creation

Comicbook Creation

The library has many genres in which interest many people but one that seems to stand out the most, not from the type of language or subkect their writing, but how they convey it. Comicbooks are generally known in the public and is one of the most varited type of books. It's both a combination of picture books and its story. Its a mix of drawings that are created with, what are called, speech bubbles that contains the text and the concept of the story layed out into panels. In this blog we are going to be going over what is a comicbook, its components and concept, a short history, basically an overall view of Comicbooks. 

So first before talking about a Comicbook, what is it? A Comicbook is a way of storytelling through the pictures of featured characters and their actions in a full book length. To tell the stories, you add a a speech bubble, a sort of bubble (usually circular or rectangler), to add in text and indicate what they're saying and the pictures show what they are doing. It's a little bit like animation but only the main parts in seperate boxes and layed out in a panel, usually read from left ot right and in rows. A speech buble can have many designs to display how the characters are talking. 

Comics originated in the 16th century in Germany and the 18th century in England. The first Comic to ever come out was The Yellow Kid. The early age for comics was a small comic that would appear in the back of newspapers to lift up some people's moods as it was for comedy. People first called them Funnies as it was meant for it at first but then changed it to Comics (word meaning funny or exciting mirth) as it developed. Now it can be either for comidical reasons or for morals and lessons to teach others.

Did you know?

Comics were first mainly about superheros with supernatural characters. Superman was created during the Great Depression as a sign of hope for everyone going through it.

A Comicbook contains of panels, boxes with the pictures inside and speech bubbles full of text. 

Comicbooks are also called comic magazine, or just comic. 

Somtimes people don't turn out to make a whole book out of comic and instead small versions of them. these are called Comic Strips. These are when people just want to make a small version of a comic to display a small moral or lesson, usually for comidical reasons. 

People now consider Comicbooks as a famous genre in books and turned out to be a career for several people like Rain Telegrimer, Jim Davis, Charles Schulz, and many more and can even turn out to be yours!

My Experience - 

I don't make much comics on my own but one of my recent ones were making one for class and it was pretty fun. It was pretty unique and interesting to make a small comic. It was a fun experience and made me look at comics differently rather than thinking that each box can be done easily.

I hope you learned more about Comicbook Creations and got interested in them. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!
