2.1 Elements of Design

 Elements of Design

When designing a product, you would have to make sure you're going out of your way and be creative to make it original, but even though it's meant to be different from others, there are some rules and elements that people follow and that is what we are going through in this blog. 


Elements are parts of the design that all types of designs seem to have. Elements are common fractures 


Lines are very common in designing and is a very important element. Lines don't neccessarily have to be straight, but can be curved, rotated, wavy, and other different types of lines. These are important since it seems to lead to viewers from one end to the other. They create space on the paper and a sort of volume which makes the design more filled instead of it being empty. 


Lines formed together, making a closed object is called a shape. Shapes can be an important element in design, either 2D or 3D. People join different types of shapes to make a beautiful deisgn. People recognize this as Abtract Art. The shapes don't neccessarily have to be geometric but all types. Geomtric, Organic Shapes, Unatural, etc. 


Space is the regions on the canvas which the object occupies (Positive Space) and areas that are left empty (Negative Space). Positive space fills the area of on the canvas that makes it seem filled in and is the Eye Catch of the design and the Negative space is just the background that is just left empty. 


Colour is one of the main elements in a design, whether its red, green or blue. The Value of a colour is the lightness and darkness that makes the potrait attract. From this, people divided the colours in two, Cool Colours and Warm Colours and the names is representing on the temperature. When you think of Cool Colours, it a colour that seem to give a sort of sad and cold feeling when you look at the colour. For example, a painting of a snowy day. Dark blue and some shade of greens is a good example. It makes us feel through the painting. Warm Colours give a sort of warm and heart warming feeling like an oil painting of a fire place. Red and orange are good examples. 


When making a design, its better to focus on the texture of the design. People are usually impressed with a design when they see how real it is, as if it is actually there. This is a combination of Value and Colour and a combintation of shapes and lines. They make the image pop out and a realistic view. 

 My Experience - 

The elements of design taught me of what I was using rather than just using them without knowing. I didn't realize that they had proper names and explanation for each category. This taught me more of the elements and showed me the forms and elements I could use for my next design.

I hope you learned more about the Basic Elements in Designing and got interested in them. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


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