2.2 Principles of Design

Principles of Design

Sure, Art is meant to be compassionate and are for free spirits but there are some rules that are meant to be followed to complete an ArtWork.


This is important becuase it shows that the space around the canvas was spread evenly. there are 3 types of balance, Radial Balance (having a center point and spreading out around the canvas), Assymentrical Balance (having balance but its unequal and unfromal), and Symmetrical Balance (being equal, mirrored and formal).


Unity is harmony around all of the canvas and are organized to represent that its all one.


Emphasis is the center point or focal point which people which tend to look at when they first look at the canvas. 


Repition is creating a pattern along the canvas of the same elements used to show smooth transitions


Rhythm shows repitition in a way in which it provides movement from one part to another.


This shows difference between items within compisition like value (bright to dull), colour (black to white), or texture (rough to smooth).


Movement is when the canvas or artwork shows motion from one side of the canvas to the other. Some examples to have a clear image of this are staircases and bridges. 

My Experience - 

This helped me recognize more in design rather than thinking its just a normal picture. It provided me with information of what I would need to include in my next design. It also made it clear which I should use.  

I hope you learned more about the Principles in Designing and got interested in them. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


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