3.2 Working with Cameras

Working with Cameras

With technology advancing so quickly, now theres many ways to take pictures and documenting is much more easier than it was before. Its hard to believe that there were only physical photographs printed without digital. In this post, I'm going to be talking about the main 2 ways of taking photographs. 

SLR or DSLR Cameras

SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex and is one of the most popular (physical) camera. It has many features that an average camera would have such as focus and digital touching. It helps show the viewer what exactly is going to be captured. DSLR stands or the Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera and are basically a combination of digital and SLR cameras since they have the same actions. They help you take better photos and can be sent over digitally. 

Digital Cameras (The Most Popular Kind)

Instead of capturing the photos on film, this keeps them online digitally. Since their online, they can be editted and have better features and option such as changing the light, the type of radiation, you have a bigger range of filters, and it can be easily photoshopped. 

My Experience - 

I usually use digital cameras since they are the most common ones. I take lots of pictures on my moms phone and just recently learned how to photoshop. We learnt to photoshop during class using Gimp.

I hope you learned more about the 2 Main Ways of Taking Photos. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides  




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