3.1 Introduction to Photography

Introduction to Photography

Photography is one of the most known forms of Art in the world and used as a creative passion and even career to lots of us. We use this form everyday, even on our phones when we take a selfie or a self portrait, and our photos of the trees. 

When we take photos, we use many elements. We have the subject, main focus, the background, and lots more. We can add even more elements even after we've taken the picture when using digital photos. Now we can use photoshop to make two photos seem connected. You can make it seem like your somewhere when your actually at home. 

The first photograph was taken in the 1800s by Louis Daguerre and Henry Foxd Talbot. The first version called the Daguerre type. The camera kept evolving, adding adjustments, shortening the shutter time, and adding features, and is still currently improving. 

With the Camera Lens on the back of our phone, its much easier for each of us to take pictures than how it was before, considering that digital photos only came soon after and that it was expensive and time worthy to take them. 

My Experience - 

I usually only take photos on my moms phone and sometimes use features to make them seem better. There are lots of ways such as adjusting the light and making the colour scheme different and much more. You can add frames and make it seem more aesthetic. 

I hope you learned a little about Photography. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


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  1. Weow! Photography really has changed a lot over the years. Great job with the post!!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. It was very informative and goes into great details. I also loved how you explained your experience on this topic. Great one and can't wait for your next post!!


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