3.3 Photoshop Tools

PhotoShop Tools

With technology being at its best and even having the possibility to increase from its peak, its hard to believe which photos are fake and which are real. The thing about is that you digitally retouch anything to whatever you like and all it had to take was a Google search. The thing about this is that it spreads Fake News or in this case 'Fake Photographs' and rather rapidly. 

Theres lots of tools you could use for this such as.....

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe is one of the best Photoshop Tools, especially consideing its great quality and easy access. It was realesed in 1990. It can be used on Windows and MacOS. Its great for Graphic editing and is great for digital art in total. 


Gimp is a free photoshop platform and was realesed in 1998. Its completley free and works almost as effieciently as Adobe Photoshop. 

My Experience - 

I only got to use Gimp since it was a neccessity for class and that helped me learn the usefull tools it had. I learned how to combine 2 photos together and how to add some retouching and much more. This also helped me with another project in which we were supposed to series of pictures and gimp helped a lot with that.

I hope you learned a little about Photographic Tools. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides



  1. Coool!! I've used GIMP too and I think it's pretty efficient once you learn how to navigate and use it.


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