4.4 Video Production

Video Production

Video Production is an important communications field. Its become a work field as well, applying this as a job as many videos are sold around the internet or by CD players. In this post, I will be talking about how to make a Video Production. 

Step 1: Equipments

Things Needed

- A Computer

- A Graphics Software

- Video Editing Software

- Camera Equipement (including the audio equipment)

Step 2: Planning Your Video 

This part is important since it's making you realize what you want to do exactly before you do it. You can do this by preparing a script, or making a storyboard. This makes sure that your ready when you start filming. 

Step 3: Recording Your Film

Being on set is when everything happens. You follow your script or storyboard and see how it turns out to be. People often change some things as they see it wasn't as they thought it was going to be and the recording is the main part of all of this. 

Step 4: Editing

This part, you put all the video files at a corresponding pattern, in an organized manner. You can take out some parts in which seems to be a little off for you and you can add graphic effects. You choose transitions and align the scenes together to complete to the film. 

Step 5: Sharing Your Video

The last step to Video Production is to share it with the world, showing people your final copy. You could either download it and post it on Youtube or just post it on some Social Media Platforms. 

My Experience - 

I honestly think that this is a complicated process for publishing a video. It seems worth it at times and it becomes a little more clear why it takes around 2 years to make a movie that's live action. It seems to take a lot of time to make even a small video. 

I hope you learned a little about Video Production. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


  1. This post is very interesting. All the information is in order and very well written. I really liked how you put the steps. Great job on your post!

  2. I really like how you put detailed step-by-step instructions! And yes, making a video is sure hard work!


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