5.1 Web Design Terms

Web Design Terms

When talking about Web Design, theres lots of terms used and in this post, I'll explain some of the terms that are commonly used and what they mean. 


This term is recognixed as one of the languages that are commonly used for creating websites and web designs. It stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language. It helps oranizes the webpage and if written incorrectly, it tends to barely show up in the website. 


This stands World Wide Web. This connects the website to anyone who has access to internet around the world. 


This stands for Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol. This means that it allows computers to acces the internet and the World Wide Web. Its a protocol to transmit web pages on the internet. 


This stands for Uniform Resource Locater and it indicates that each website has a different and specifc web address and it helps you find them. 

My Experience - 

When I first heard the meanings of these words, it seemed to make sense to me. Now when somethings requests for a URL or when I see HTTP on a web address, I get to think more about it and understand more. These were small information that helped me understand more about the web. 

I hope you learned a little about Web Design Terms. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


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