5.2 Web Design Principles

Web Design Principles

When making a Web Design, there are some principles you would need to consider. In this post, we will talk about a few of the principles of Web Design. 


The layout needs to be organized and fit. Some things you would need to consider are thinking through the viewers perspection like can you get your wanted information easily and is it easy to go through the website. When making a layout, you would need to get the information needed for the viewer. It would need to be organized and make sure that it makes sense. Does it give a maximum amount of information for the topics you are going over? Does it give access to the contact page and does the information provided make sense? 


For a design, you have to make sure if it fits the theme. You would have to see if it helps with the readers reading their text and relate to the images pasted on the website. Having a background colour that makes the readers see clearly is very important as well as you could ruin your whole website with choosing a bad colour. 


When giving the information, you would have to make sure what exactly your saying is related to the topic. Does it make sense to the viewers and does it help the readers understand what they need to? There are three things the readers would need to get from your website without scrolling down. They need to know who you are, what are you doing, and how does it have anything to do with them. 

My Experience - 

When I saw these clues in the slides, it was a proper explanation of websites and I could relate to websites I usually visit and all the terms on this post applys to those too. It gave me a proper description of what I should include in my websites. The next time I have to make a website for class, I'll try to consider some of these principles. 

I hope you learned a little about Web Design Principles. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


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