5.4 Beginning to HTML Coding

Beginning to HTML Coding 

HTML is a common language used for coding and in the last post, I talked about a few things you should know before starting HTML Coding. In this post, i'm going to be talking about the basic, such as the title, headings, and paragraph. 

The first thing you would insert when coding is to add an HTML Tag. It helps the computer recognize that this is going to be coding using which language


A Website isn't without a name, so next your going to insert the following code. You first open the heading tag and then on the next line, you open the title tag and next to it, you write the title of the website. You close the title tag and then close the heading tag. 


                <title>Title of Website</title>



The <body> Tag represents that the body of the website is starting. You can do a lot from this, this can help determine the colour text and the background colour, etc. 

When you want to enter a paragraph or just text, you use the Paragraph Tag. To use the paragraph text, you just open the tag and press enter to enter the text. The code is below. 


        This is your paragraph, you can put any text you want in here. 


One thing is that when you press enter in the paragraph codes, it won't affect the outcome of the text and it would just continue. To make any space or if you want to enter you use the <br/><br/>. The code is below. 


        This is your paragraph, you can put any text you want in here. 


        I want this portion apart from the top. 


These are the few basic beginnings to HTML Coding and I hope you got the hang of it from now. 

My Experience - 

For me, coding seemed to be a little unexpected. Coding is basically based off of tags in HTML and in my opinion, easier than block coding. I learned only a few things about coding such as paragraph and headings and tables and more. 

I hope you learned a little about HTML Coding. Stay updated for more posts.

Stay Knacky!


    Sr Hudas Slides


  1. Indeed, HTML is easier than block coding. I liked how you explained the codes and tags. Really well done!!

  2. Nicely explained! I believe HTML is a little harder though, as we have to start from scratch.


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